The campaign of desperate Democrat Russ Carnahan has coordinated a smear on Ed Martin. The attack alleges that Ed Martin was complicit in shuffling pedophile priests around St. Louis Catholic Churches while he served at the St. Louis Archdiocese ( In the video above, Ed Martin, Marie Kenyon, and Rev. Bruce McCoy speak to the allegations. Marie is a life-long Democrat who worked with Ed at the Archdiocese. Marie makes the key point:
What was said about Ed in the video is simply not true. Anyone who knows the Catholic church knows lay employees have no say-so, no responsibility whatsoever in priestly claimants. They just don't.Ed's campaign has put out two press releases:
- Carnahan Can't Run on His Record: Political Hatchet Man Comes to His Rescue
- Carnahan Admits to Hiring Smear Operative
Update: It occurs to me that this is either the sort of thing that Ed Martin should be condemned for (if one thinks Ed's guilty) or the sort of thing that his accusers should be condemned for (if one understands how the Catholic church's hierarchy works and that Ed could not have played a role in priest shuffling). I'd like to ask politicians and candidates, both Republican and Democrat, who are members of the Catholic church in Missouri's Third Congressional District: Do you think Ed Martin was complicit or do you think he was smeared? And, if you think he was smeared, was the Carnahan campaign responsible for the smear?
Welcome! And thanks to Erick Erickson of RedState for the link! The Dems are desperate and they're trying to demoralize us. Don't let them inside your head. Here's a little caffeine for your eyes and ears (watch the videos at the link). If you or someone you know needs a little pick-me-up before hitting the bricks to canvas for a candidate or phonebank, these should help get you going:
THANK YOU for posting this! Keep up the great work!!
Common Cents
News Flash, there are EVIL people in the WORLD, in all walks of life and in all professions. The people RESPONSIBLE for committing EVIL acts are the EVILDOERS themselves. When the evildoers are found out they need to be punished.Ed Martin i...s a FAMILY man and would not do harm to children.Russ Carnahan is a SLEAZE and is STOOPING to FALSE character attacks on Ed Martin, because that is all he has. Russ Carnahan is a SLEAZE and is STOOPING to FALSE character attacks on Ed Martin, because that is all he has. Russ Carnahan will not run on his record, because he was on the WRONG side of the issues. He voted for OBAMACARE, CAP & TRADE, FINANCIAL (COERCION) BILL etc. which are detrimental to American citizens. The Democrat/Statists policies are WRONG for America. The American Patriots DO NOT want this country to become a Socialist state with two classes of people, the RULING class and the PEASANTS or the rest of us. Russ is in this position of POWER because of DADDY. That is the TRUTH. However, some people are DELUSIONAL and "CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH."
Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22
News Flash, there are EVIL people in the WORLD, in all walks of life and in all professions. The people RESPONSIBLE for committing EVIL acts are the EVILDOERS themselves. When the evildoers are found out they need to be punished.Ed Martin i...s a FAMILY man and would not do harm to children.Russ Carnahan is a SLEAZE and is STOOPING to FALSE character attacks on Ed Martin, because that is all he has. Russ Carnahan is a SLEAZE and is STOOPING to FALSE character attacks on Ed Martin, because that is all he has. Russ Carnahan will not run on his record, because he was on the WRONG side of the issues. He voted for OBAMACARE, CAP & TRADE, FINANCIAL (COERCION) BILL etc. which are detrimental to American citizens. The Democrat/Statists policies are WRONG for America. The American Patriots DO NOT want this country to become a Socialist state with two classes of people, the RULING class and the PEASANTS or the rest of us. Russ is in this position of POWER because of DADDY. That is the TRUTH. However, some people are DELUSIONAL and "CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH."
Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22
But when O'riley says on the View that all muslims are terrorists, thats ok.
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