Sunday, October 18, 2009

Photos and Video from the KSDK Can You Hear Us Now Rally

Protesters sing God Bless America

Protesters waive signs at passing cars (photo by Jim B)

Protesters assemble outside KSDK Channel 5 in downtown St Louis (photo by Jim B)

Protester with sign

KSDK news team interviewing one of the protesters

Alex from (Check his site for video in a couple days)


I tweeted the protest. You can see some more pictures from the event at twitpic:


Dinah Lord said...

Great pics and OMG the MSM actually sent a crew out to cover the event?

At NBC in Denver they only sent out the security guards to yell at us if we stepped off the sidewalk onto the grass. The ABC affiliate sent out the interns who looked like they were scared...

(Linking you)


dsm said...

KSDK has been fair in their coverage of the St Louis Tea Party. In fact, our area Tea Party leaders did not get behind this protest. I suspect part of their reason was that other media outlets have not been fair and might have been better targets.

There were security guards there... two or three. They gave the protesters room and were *very* respectful--stop calling me "sir"! Props to 'em!

I hope to do a longer post about the rally... You might see it Monday morning.

Anonymous said...

The philosophy of many of us was that time was better spent on other activities, simply because the media itself will NEVER routinely cover a protest against their bias.

In Texas, a visit by Obama to Texas A&M was our focus. We went there to support the fine conservative groups on that campus.

Anonymous said...

The philosophy of many of us was that time was better spent on other activities, simply because the media itself will NEVER routinely cover a protest against their bias.

In Texas, a visit by Obama to Texas A&M was our focus. We went there to support the fine conservative groups on that campus.