These pictures are from this afternoon and evening down near the Arch. Last minute preparations were underway for tomorrow's 912 rally. The theme of Sunday's events in St. Louis, DC, and Sacramento is
Recycle Government: Repeal, Reduce, Restore.
I had a great time this evening meeting and mingling with Tea Partiers from all over this great country. I'm amazed and humbled to meet fellow patriots from Maine, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Georgia, and Louisiana. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at noon under the Arch. And thank you for visiting the Gateway City. I hope your stay here and Sunday's rally prepares and energizes you for the November elections!
Michelle will be live streaming the event so you can watch it from the comfort of your computer screen. She'll have a link on her blog,, sometime Sunday morning.
Quincy Tea Party friends are up and preparing for our trip to St. Louis! We are 'rising and shining' and ready for the RISING UP - Recycle Government: Repeal, Reduce, Restore!! :) Taking back our Country! A number of us were blessed to meet Congressman Steve King & spend time with our future Congressman, Bobby Schilling last night! May the God of Abraham and Isaac Bless everyone today through their travels and this great day! TeaC
Welcome Quincians and everyone to the "Gateway!" Glad to see you making the trip and helping to get something done on a national level and more importantly for you - in the corrupt state of Illinois!
Have a GREAT day my fellow PATRIOTS! Will be watching on my pc from Michelle's stream since I recently broke my foot and cannot make the trek to the archgrounds. Talk about disappointing!!!
Had a great time and everyone we met in St. Louis were just the most gracious hosts.
Ralph King
Cleveland Tea Party Patriots
OH Tea Party Patriots
Watch Videos from the St. Louis Tea Party on 9-12-10 at We are uploading the video elements shot on and edited in STL and Sacramento over the weekend.
It was great to help grow the grassroots together over the weekend! I made some new friends around the country and met some friends that I had previously only known online. I hope to see you all again.
Thanks for coming to the Gateway Arch on 9-12!
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