Bill Whittle over at PJTV has an excellent 10 minute report on's strategy for releasing the ACORN videos. Watch the whole thing as there is an important warning at the end. As Glenn Reynolds is fond of saying: Don't get cocky.
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Going Nuts
ACORN: Alien Children Offered Regularly Nationwide ACORN: Authorities Caught One Registering “Napoleon” ACORN: Assembly of the Complacent: Organized, Registered & Non-productive! ACORN: Association of Criminals Obama Represented in the Nineties ACORN: Assorted Crazies, Oddballs, Reprobates, and Nincompoops ACORN: “Audacity” and “Change” that Obama Represents Nationally ACORN: A Crooked, Offensive, Repulsive Nut ACORN: Agitators, Cheats, Offenders, and Repugnant Nonentities ACORN: Association of Crooks O’Keefe Revealed in a Nanosecond ACORN: Advising Criminals, Organizing Radical Nutjobs ACORN: Assisting Call-girls, Obama, Reid & Nancy ACORN: Advancing Collectivism, Obamamania, Reparations Now! ACORN: After Clinton, Obama Retards a Nation ACORN: Alike Carter, Obama is Regretful and Negative ACORN: America, Could Obama Resign Now?? ACORN: Against Conservatives, Order, Republicans, and the Nation ACORN: American Cash Outflows to Rathke’s “Nonprofits” ACORN: Apparently “Community Organizing” Really is Nefarious ACORN: Awarding Capital to Objectionable Rent-seeking Noncontributors ACORN: Apathetic, Crybaby, Odiferous, Rejected Nothings ACORN: Andrew Clearly Outplayed the Resentful NYT ACORN: Always Cheating, Often Ruining Neighborhoods ACORN: Addled Crack-heads and Obnoxious Race-baiting Neurotics ACORN: Appalling Cesspool; Obscene Revolting Nightmare ACORN: A Clan of Odious, Ridiculed Nitwits ACORN: Another Corrupt Obama Run Network
Tea Party Conservative who began blogging at http://RebootCongress.NET when TARP passed. Email me: Help support my work: Donate Bitcoins
1 comment:
Going Nuts
ACORN: Alien Children Offered Regularly Nationwide
ACORN: Authorities Caught One Registering “Napoleon”
ACORN: Assembly of the Complacent: Organized, Registered & Non-productive!
ACORN: Association of Criminals Obama Represented in the Nineties
ACORN: Assorted Crazies, Oddballs, Reprobates, and Nincompoops
ACORN: “Audacity” and “Change” that Obama Represents Nationally
ACORN: A Crooked, Offensive, Repulsive Nut
ACORN: Agitators, Cheats, Offenders, and Repugnant Nonentities
ACORN: Association of Crooks O’Keefe Revealed in a Nanosecond
ACORN: Advising Criminals, Organizing Radical Nutjobs
ACORN: Assisting Call-girls, Obama, Reid & Nancy
ACORN: Advancing Collectivism, Obamamania, Reparations Now!
ACORN: After Clinton, Obama Retards a Nation
ACORN: Alike Carter, Obama is Regretful and Negative
ACORN: America, Could Obama Resign Now??
ACORN: Against Conservatives, Order, Republicans, and the Nation
ACORN: American Cash Outflows to Rathke’s “Nonprofits”
ACORN: Apparently “Community Organizing” Really is Nefarious
ACORN: Awarding Capital to Objectionable Rent-seeking Noncontributors
ACORN: Apathetic, Crybaby, Odiferous, Rejected Nothings
ACORN: Andrew Clearly Outplayed the Resentful NYT
ACORN: Always Cheating, Often Ruining Neighborhoods
ACORN: Addled Crack-heads and Obnoxious Race-baiting Neurotics
ACORN: Appalling Cesspool; Obscene Revolting Nightmare
ACORN: A Clan of Odious, Ridiculed Nitwits
ACORN: Another Corrupt Obama Run Network
Others? Please suggest!
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