Sunday, October 28, 2012

#MOSoS: Shane Schoeller's "Show-Me Voter ID Tour" Visits St. Louis

Speaker of the House Tim Jones opens the video above and introduces (at 8:10) Republican candidate for Attorney General, Ed Martin. After some remarks, Martin introduces (at 14:05) Mississippi's Secretary of State, Delbert Hoseman, who was in Missouri supporting Shane Schoeller in our Secretary of State race. Schoeller's remarks begin at the 20 minute mark. Schoeller talks about the need to curb voter fraud with photo voter ID.

Schoeller's campaign website includes a press release about this stop on his ‘Show-Me Voter ID Tour’:
“Across the country, Americans overwhelmingly support common sense voter ID laws that will make our elections fair and keep them free of fraud,” Hosemann said.  “In Mississippi, voters overwhelmingly passed a constitutional voter ID law similar to Shane Schoeller’s proposal for Missouri. Mississippi and Missouri citizens know best how to ensure the integrity of the vote. But unfortunately, the Justice Department continues to attack voter ID laws in many states, including my state. Our country needs more Secretaries of States like Shane Schoeller that will stand up for what’s right, even in the face of attacks from the Justice Department. Shane Schoeller is a strong, courageous leader with proven leadership capabilities that will fight for a common sense voter ID law, clean up the state’s voter rolls, and stop election fraud.”

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