Politico: Report: Karl Rove jokes about Todd Akin’s murder:
In a closed-door fundraiser at the Republican National Convention, Karl Rove reportedly joked about the murder of Missouri GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin.
“We should sink Todd Akin. If he’s found mysteriously murdered, don’t look for my whereabouts!” joked Rove, according to a Businessweek report of the fundraiser.This is appalling. It also underscores the fact that the Republican establishment loathes Todd Akin.
Update: Politico is reporting that Rove apologized:
Karl Rove phoned Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin to apologize for having joked about killing the Republican congressman, an Akin spokesman confirmed to POLITICO.
Akin adviser Rick Tyler said Rove spoke with Akin Friday about his remarks, and that the Akin camp believes it would be appropriate for Rove to make a public apology as well.
"I'm assuming that Karl will make a public apology," Tyler said.

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