Crossroads GPS: Claire McCaskill and President Obama put you $14,000 more in debt:
“President Obama and Claire McCaskill have burdened every man, woman, and child with $14,000 in new debt because of their reckless spending,” said Nate Hodson, Crossroads GPS Director of State and Regional Media Relations. “This issue ad is designed to alert citizens to the McCaskill-Obama big-spending agenda which left every American with $14,000 in new debt to pay.”
Hi Ho Hi Ho
Its my life to the feds who keep magically coming up with money I go....
Sessions will connect area organizations and municipalities with resources and opportunities to compete for federal grant funding
ST. LOUIS - Nine federal agencies with competitive grant funds will come together at the request of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill to help local small-businesses and organizations learn how to successfully compete for resources that will help them expand and create jobs.
As part of an ongoing effort, McCaskill's office will host an Economic Development and Grant Training Workshop in Saint Louis on December 12. The forum will improve local organizations' access to federal grants and loan programs that can be used for public infrastructure, job growth, and business development.
Visit McCaskill's website to register for the Economic Development and Grant Training Seminar
Representatives from multiple federal agencies will better educate small businesses, local governments, chambers of commerce, and non-profit organizations on how they can best position themselves to win federal dollars.
Dr. Nancy Kinney from the University of Missouri St. Louis Non-Profit Management and Leadership Team will give an overview of grant writing.
Competitive federal grants bring federal assistance to Missouri in an honest and fiscally responsible manner. McCaskill believes helping organizations learn how to access federal dollars through competitive grant programs is an important step in ensuring strong community infrastructure and keeping the awarding of federal dollars transparent.
McCaskill's staff has offered seminars in other parts of the states, including St. Joseph, Cape Girardeau, Springfield, Kansas City, Harrisonville, and Columbia.
Monday's event is open to members of the press.
Economic Development and Grant Training Workshop
Monday, December 12, 2011
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
University of Missouri St. Louis
J.C. Penny Conference Center
One University Boulevard
Saint Louis, MO 63121
Park in Lot C
Economic Development and Grant Training Workshop to provide resources to small businesses, local government organizations, and non-profits on how to apply for grant and low-interest loan opportunities.
Representatives from:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S Department of Commerce
Veterans Affairs
National Endowment for the Arts,
Economic Development Administration
Missouri Procurement Technical Assistance Center,
Missouri Department of Economic Development
Missouri Department of National Resources.
University of Missouri St. Louis Non-Profit Management and Leadership Team representative Dr. Nancy Kinney
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