Sunday, February 19, 2012

Paul Curtman Endorses Ron Paul

State Rep. Paul Curtman
Sun Herald: Ron Paul Endorsed by Missouri State Rep. Paul Curtman:
2012 Republican Presidential candidate was endorsed today by Missouri State Representative Paul Curtman of the 105th Legislative District, comprising parts of Franklin, Jefferson, and St. Louis counties.
That's huge.

Missouri held a meaningless Presidential Preference Primary earlier this month. In March caucuses will be held around the state and those caucuses will determine who Missouri supports at the Republican National Convention (caucus primer).

State Rep. Paul Curtman is widely known among Tea Party groups across Missouri because of a two minute speech he delivered at one of a summer of 2009 townhall meeting. Curtman simply demanded an apology from Senator Claire McCaskill for her support of the unconstitutional healthcare bill:

That speech went viral. As a result, Curtman was invited to speak to Tea Party groups around the Show Me State. He was also recruited to run for the Missouri state house. He did so successfully in a district that leans Democrat.

Curtman's endorsement certainly helps Ron Paul. The question is: to what extent will it help Ron Paul in Missouri's March caucuses?

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