Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Senatorial Sanctimony

UH OH: Feingold Criticizes Reid, Declines to Endorse Him as Leader.

UPDATE: Wisconsin reader Robert Gleason writes: “I wonder if this is the beginning of a scramble for power among Senate Democrats? His reference to the caucus meeting next week and that he has ‘not decided’ how to respond might indicate that he is holding out for something. With Dodd out and Reid on the ropes and Obamacare ‘hanging by a thread’ this might be a good time for an ambitious Senator or two to make a move.”
If an enterprising Democrat Senator wanted to add to the upper chamber's drama and sanctimony they could promise to hold up the healthcare bill until the soon-to-be elected Senator from the Bay State take's their rightful seat. Of course, Feingold is pretty far left so perhaps this is what he's doing in his own way for want of a "public option".

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