Friday, January 22, 2010

County Court reported that the preliminary hearing for the six people arrested at Russ Carnahan's Town Hall last August 6th, was suppose to be held yesterday—Thursday evening. That's changed. As 24thState notes, there are now four different dates for these pretrial hearings with Kenneth Gladney's assailants scheduled at the beginning of April.

The first of those hearings was held Thursday evening as originally planned. Kelly Owens was able to attend the meeting and emailed me her notes. She had some difficulty getting in. The security guard had said that there wasn't space for her in the courtroom; however, she persisted and was eventually allowed in.

She counted 81 empty chairs in the courtroom.

Here's how Kelly reported the exchange between defendant Brian Matthews and Judge Adler:

I heard the judge say you are charged with interfering with police, how do you plead? and then I heard Brain ask something about how does he get a public defendant?  I couldn't hear the rest.  Brain was handed a manila square card stock piece of paper and all I could make out when he walked by was the St Louis County logo on top.  Brain walked out of the court room.
Kelly also reported that she did not see St Louis Post Dispatch reporter Jake Wagman. Wagman blogs at the PD's Political Fix and was also suppose to have a hearing Thursday evening. Over the past several months I've spoken with several Tea Partiers who feel that the charges against Wagman should be dropped. Let's hope they were.

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