Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Arnold Tea Party *DONE*

Dana's not happy with Washington. She's not happy about people flipping off her kids either.

The Gateway Pundit rallies the crowd.

Stay-at-home mom inadvertently provides make-shift child-care.

This colorful character had on a pig snout. He must be a fan of Pork Busters.

This woman is an Iraqi Christian who has been living here in the US for the past eight years. I have an interview that I'll be uploading to YouTube (it's near the beginning of this), but her English is not very good—she had a lot of trouble understanding my questions. Nonetheless, it was great to see her there trying to raise awareness about the plight of Assyrian Christians in Iraq.

Video Coverage
I've written my own star rankings under each video to give you an idea of how good I think each segment is. Some of this stuff is pretty boring, but it will give you an idea of what to expect if you're thinking about getting involved. I've kept the videos in chronological order here. If you're wondering about the crying baby in some of the videos, that's my four month old sharing her thoughts about the debt.

(2 stars) There was no parking... Here I am walking across the full parking lot.

(3.5 stars) Game day decision making about where to setup camp. Discussions about getting some distance from the radical anti-abortion protestors with Dana Loesch and Jim Hoft, the Gateway Pundit.

(2.5 stars) Dana herds the cats across the street.

(3.5 stars) This begins with the interview mentioned above with an Assyrian Christan from Iraq. She expresses her gratitude to America. See me stump Jim Hoft's (Gateway Pundit's) twin brother and Dana rally the crowd.

(4.5 stars) In some ways this one's a hash: it starts slow, the four-month old adds her $0.02, there are vehicles with flashing lights distracting Dana, and I pull out my still camera half-way through an interview with her, but it's got my favorite line of all the videos. That line's around the one minute mark (start around 00:45 for context and listen for the faint voice of Dana's son around 00:54). The interview with Dana is about plans for the Fourth and there's a last question after the chants of "U. S. A.". It's around the four minute mark.

(4.5 stars) Dana explains fiscal responsibility, the point of the Tea Party Movement, to the drive-by media. She emphasizes that fiscal responsibility is non-partisan.

(2.5 stars) This one opens with some chanting. I try to get a sense of the crowd, but I'm just too short to get a good crowd shot.

(3 stars) The president enters Fox High School by the backdoor.

(3.5 stars) Chants of "No More Pork" followed by Jim Hoft rallying the crowd and then a mom and her children with their signs.

That's a wrap!

Note: Today's my anniversary, so updates will be light this evening. (We went to Monarch for dinner and liked it a lot. I'm sure we'll go back sometime.)

Cross Cover:
See Also:


Citzcom said...

I had a great time...lots of friendly people taking full advantage of the first amendment.

Dana said...

Fantastic job! Thanks for the reporting.

Susan said...

Great post! It was a pleasure meeting you.

Bob McCarty said...

You're a star in the "First 100 Daze" videos I posted today after the protest in Arnold. Thanks for being there!

WowsRose said...

Hey, I was the SAHM Babysitter! Look at what a great job I was doing watching the kids while being oblivious on the phone with my husband!

Great pics & videos! It was nice to meet you today!


Mr Patch W. Adams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr Patch W. Adams said...

The Last Comment was sooo Full of was

Great to See you, I was the Pirate with the Video Camera on a Stick...

Look Forward to Meeting you at the Next One.

dsm said...


Email me (address by the picture on my blog).

We've got a little coterie of videographers. We need to form an ad hoc production/post-production house and figure out distribution next.

My content is yours, man... That's why you need to email me ;-)