Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Video: C. L. Bryant at the Rally for Common Sense

Rev. C. L. Bryant, author of Lead Us to Temptation-Deliver Us to Evil and star of The Runaway Slave Movie, joined fellow conservatives on the Patriot Field of Dreams on May 19th, 2012, at the Rally for Common Sense in Holts Summit, Missouri. Bryant spoke about our endowment of God-given freedoms and the need to restrain government.


freespeak said...

I could not go, but this guy is wonderful.
He would have been absolutely welcome where I was....

freespeak said...

Good Presidential material...why is that?
Why aren't the really great ones running?
I do understand the local thing, but my God, it can stretch itself further....

dsm said...

There were so many good speeches Saturday. I liked Alan Keyes's the best, but I've always been a fan of his so I'm probably a little biased. I've got more coming!

freespeak said...

Ready for more!