Tea Partiers from the St. Louis area including St. Charles, Jefferson, and Franklin Counties rallied at the St. Louis, MO, GOP Headquarters on Watson Rd. The rally was partly to support Tea Party candidate
Chuck Purgason (R-MO), partly in support of the
Yes on Prop C initiative, and partly to disuade
Michele Bachmann from endorsing
Roy Blunt (R-MO).
Bachmann, who had been scheduled to appear at a Roy Blunt fundraiser, had to cancel late Friday after being
admitted to a hospital for an undisclosed illness. Tea Partiers join mainstream Republicans in praying for a rapid and full recovery for this icon of the conservative movement. We need her voice back in Congress.
Purgason's campaign continues to revel in the results of a poll released Friday that shows the Caulfield, MO, Republican besting
Robin Carnahan (D-MO) 56 to 44. The internals of that poll contain more good news for Purgason. In particular, he runs strong in Missouri's 7th Congressional District—Roy Blunt's district.
The 7th is easily the most conservative of Missouri's nine Congressional Districts.
Roy Blunt won re-election in 2008 with 68% of the vote. Purgason out polled Carnahan in the 7th Congressional District 72% to 28%.
Chuck's gonna win and on August 4th Missouri is gonna be on the cable news programs Fox News, CNN, MSNBC because Chuck's gonna win and where gonna pass prop C.
Things are looking good for Chuck. If you want him to win, pickup a phone, call friends and family in Missouri, and encourage them to vote on the Republican ticket and for Chuck on Tuesday.
Of course, Prop C is going to pass. That's never been an issue. It has to be a blowout to be noticed, though. Again, tell call people and tell them that!
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