Friday, July 2, 2010

Joe the Plumber endorses Chuck Purgason

Joe the Plumber has announced that he's endorsing Chuck Purgason (R-MO) for US Senate. Purgason faces a difficult Republican primary against Roy Blunt (R-MO). As a leader in the House of Representatives and the father of former Governor Matt Blunt, Roy Blunt is the favorite in the GOP primary for US Senate. However, Blunt lacks the grassroots support of Tea Parties. Those Tea Parties that have been critical of some of the Congressman's votes. I have found that supporters of Blunt don't even try to defend the Congressman's votes for TARP and Cash for Clunkers, but argue instead that Blunt's substantial war chest is required to beat Robin Carnahan (D-MO) in the Fall.

Rasmussen's latest poll of the Missouri Senate race shows Blunt leading Carnahan 48% to 43%, with 6% undecided and 3% committed to voting for one of the other fifteen candidates in the race. Perhaps the endorsement from Joe the Plumber will help Purgason pull away from the pack of eight trailing Republicans and challenge Blunt on August 3rd. One GOP candidate, Jim Schmidt, has already dropped out, endorsed Purgason, and volunteered to help the Purgason campaign, but Purgason will need more volunteers and more endorsements if he's going to move those polling numbers and win on August 3rd.


Update: Tony Messenger of's Political Fix writes:
(It should be noted, that in Missouri and elsewhere, Joe-the-Plumber-endorsed candidates have been criticized for paying an honorarium to Joe to come to campaign rallies to speak in favor of candidates).
I contacted Purgason's campaign to ask whether Joe was paid for his endorsement. My contact at the Purgason campaign told me Joe was NOT paid. My contact added that they had recently heard Purgason say: "I don't pay people to be my friend." That will surely distinguish Chuck Purgason if he's elected to serve in DC!

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