Monday, March 14, 2011

Vacation Liberty School

The St. Louis area As a Mom team is gearing up for a one week summer program designed to teach 5th thru 8th graders about the founding principals of the US. The Vacation Liberty School program is based on the structure of Vacation Bible School, but uses a curriculum designed to teach youngsters about our country's founding beliefs. This is the mission statement on their website:
To educate, enlighten, and excite kids about the beliefs, fundamentals, and principles on which this country was founded; and to empower them with the knowledge and will to preserve these ideas and liberties for our Nation.

We believe it is through education, a deep knowledge of our American heritage, and a foundation of faith, that liberty will survive and thrive. Sadly, there has been a void in education and understanding plaguing recent generations of Americans pertaining to the fundamentals and principles on which our country was founded. Without teaching the origin, nature, and benefits of liberty, we are in danger of condemning the next generation to accept tyranny. We are a non-partisan and non-political organization desiring to plant the seeds for the next refounders so that liberty may grow.

Through instruction, performance, small group discussions and games designed to teach in a fun interactive way, we will take your children (grades 5-8) on a week long exploration of the founding principles of personal and economic freedom. Just as the American colonists discovered the principles of liberty through a variety of experiences and experiments involving societies and human nature, your children will discover these principles for themselves through our activities.
VLS will run from June 13th to 17th and costs $25 per child. Registration has already begun. Please visit the website above to learn more about the program and then email or call 636.203.5828 to register.

Disclosure: St. Louis VLS is being organized as a non-profit separate from As a Mom. The registration fee is to cover the cost of supplies, insurance, facility costs, etc. I plan to volunteer at VLS this summer. I will not be paid for that work.

1 comment:

SallyW said...

What a great event, Darin!