Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MORE (ACORN) Organization and Political Influence

MORE (Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment) is what remains of the Missouri chapter of ACORN. They held meetings in 2010 to plan their strategy for squatting on properties in the St. Louis area.

The video above outlines MORE's organizational structure. Jeff Ordower is their leader. Under him are three "Community Organizers": Cathy de la Aguilera, James Houston, and Hannah Allison. James's remarks in the video above make clear that MORE gains influence within a community by working on candidate campaigns. Once their candidates are elected then MORE requests favors like holding a press event with their elected officials about the virtues of theft through squatting.

The next video will outline MORE's "Master Plan" to acquire residential property through extralegal means like squatting.

As I noted in the first video in this series (Introducing MOREthe group still has ties to communist organizations and they've sponsored bank protests at Chase Bank and Bank of America. They recently stormed an event at St. Louis University. Last week, MORE tried to deny a citizen journalist his First Amendment press freedom at a "public" forum with a representative from Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster's office.

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