Saturday, May 29, 2010

Faces of Freedom Rally

Missouri families came together at the Macon County Fairgrounds for the Faces of Freedom Rally to recognize and honor America's Veterans and Fallen Heroes. There were a few speeches, some great music, and delicious pulled pork. I'll have video in a future post.


SallyW said...

Thank you SO much for coming up, Darin! The progressives planted a lot of negative seed against us but the turn out was beautiful in spite of their efforts. I said it before, I'd do it again for 10 people. It was an honor to Give Thanks.
I woke up to some beautiful emails from men, women and families who were so grateful for the event.
A day I'll remember always, and will use as a guide to being better with each step toward Patriotism.
Thank you again for being there!!

佳俐 said...
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Cowguy said...

Thank you for being there Darin with your cameras and your presence. Jace

dsm said...


Thanks for having the event! Got some great video that I'll be posting tonight. I think Rock Me has the best sound and visuals. I caught you winking a minute and fifteen seconds in.